By now, I think we've all heard of Throwback Thursday... the day of the week designated for posting pictures from years past so our social network can see how cool/young/hot/smart/popular/accomplished we were and hopefully still are.
I like this idea. Not because I want people to see how cool/young/hot/smart/popular/
accomplished I was (I was never really any of those things--not really) but because it reconnects us to our past in a very real, very visual way.
Today a casual Facebook friend of mine posted what I thought was a super fabulous version of Throwback Thursday... a beloved book cover from her childhood.
Seeing it, I thought to myself: Self, that's a kickass idea. You should steal it.
So I did.
Here's my version of #TBT, Lit-style.

This book got me through some pretty tough shit, growing up.
Now you're thinking... it's a book about dragons. How the hell did that help you growing up?
This book isn't about dragons--not really. Not to me anyway. This book is about a young woman who is reviled and ostracized from her homeland and through that pain, finds the strength to not only fight back, she finds a purpose bigger than herself and learns to fight to protect it.
Anyone who ever wondered where I draw my inspirations from for my Sabrina Vaughn character can find it all right here, in the pages of this book because Aerin, the heroine in this story, never quits. She never stops fighting--through loss and love and betrayal and heartbreak... she never stops fighting.
that's my jam.
If you've never read it and you like dragons and shit (or if you just like a good story with a strong female protag), I suggest you do...
you won't be sorry.